JH Design Unlimited is unique because our design services are UNLIMITED. It’s rare to find a company that can tackle so many areas of design, but we have the skills and training to offer all of it to you.
We will work with you one on one with whatever stage you are at in developing your brand. We want to help drive success to your business with excellent design and quality marketing materials. We are more than happy to provide individual design services as needed but can take you from A to Z. From start up companies in need of custom graphics, websites, printing, etc…to seasonal maintenance, we got you covered.
If you require custom design work from someone who is credible and someone you ENJOY working with, then you have found the right company. We take the time to LISTEN and CARE about your needs. We take pride in our work and care about your success. We understand that image and quality means everything in business when it comes to leaving a lasting impression on your clients and customers.
The big advantage to working with us is that you only have to work with one company. This brings consistency and cohesiveness to your brand and all of your products. So instead of having your graphics guy talk to your web guy and then your printer guy talk to your graphics guy…you get the idea, just have JH Design Unlimited do it all and save yourself the headache!

PURE art
Art Inspired Design – We are artists first and foremost. Art is in our blood and it translates into our designs. It’s an advantage!
We see everything as a canvas and we are always pushing creativity to the limits. The advantage to you as a customer is that you are not getting standard cookie-cutter design work, but instead, you are getting something that is original and inspired from PURE art.
REAL design
You can always find a designer that can do the job for cheap. And there a lot of people out there that claim to be “designers” but really only know how to throw stuff together quickly in a graphics program and don’t have any formal training. However when you work with JH Design Unlimited, you can be assured that you are dealing with someone that has been trained professionally in the field of design with years of schooling and lots of experience. We know what it takes to create a “quality” piece of artwork.
Don’t sell yourself short, hire someone who can do the job right and leave a lasting impression on your clients and customers with REAL design.

JH Design Unlimited offers a wide variety of design services. We have a diverse background in art, graphics, photography, videography and product design. This experience allows us to offer more service to our customers. There is pretty much NO LIMITS to what we can do!